
daily chewable vitamin
"the man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it." ~ woodrow wilson

a c- day
i had a weird day. suffice it to say that i am still decompressing. it helped to be with laurel this evening. she is a very funny kid. she likes to run into my arms on the count of three. what kills me is she bows her head at the two count, stretches her arms staight out in front of her and runs as fast as her little legs will take her to me. like she's super man or something. she's also very suddenly into talking on the phone.

love. love gives me perspective that everything is going to be ok and that whatevers got me all uptight isn't a big deal. i love that kid.

have you ever had a reoccuring 'issue' (*imagine me making quote marks as i always do when that word is used*) or feeling? i have something i keep running into in a particular situation and it really vexes me.

this evening, i have realized the common denominator in all the situations is ME! i guess that's all i can focus on. i can loose sleep over how so and so said this and that and blah blah blah- but really all i can do is decide how i am going to respond. which is frustrating.

tis a blow to my ego that this (our world, this plot, crazy people etc) is not a pupet regime that i am actually running...

mahahaha *ring hands; smile mynically*

seriously though, i guess it's good that i am only in charge of me and not everybody else. hell- i have my hands full with me!

i'm really glad that God loves me- even when i'm the common denominator to problems. the love of God has the power to melt this common denominator... come Lord.

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