
in the news of my life lately-

  • i went to the hocking hills w/ my family on thursday. it was pretty great.
  • took my husband to the e.r. last week for chest pain(!!!!!) turns out it's chest wall pain. not serious but seriously hurts. he is on the mend.
  • pictures coming soon of my time w/ the posse at old man's cave.
  • nephew jack found a patch of gray hair on my head. nice.
  • charles got a job, w/ benefits in his field. we're both thrilled!
  • i have a black afro wig in the trunk of the fox. i thought you should know.

side bar on the nashville sully's visit to columbus...

nora who will be two very soon is very funny. she calls my brother (her father) by his first name. she babbles lots but her most understandable language is your name. she will learn it. then she will yell it to get your attention. but the funny thing is, that the calling tone eerily like a mother to her kid. she also whispers. this makes me melt.

jack and i walked through conkle's hollow together. we were talking about making art for some reason. i told him about the 'studio' charles helped me establish in our basement. jack inquired here and there about my art making; invited himself over to make some stuff together; then asked why i do it.

i said, 'well- you know how you pray to God and it helps to feel close to Him?' he looked up, and nodded yes. i said, 'well- maybe this sounds weird- but when i get into making art, it can be like prayer for me.' jack stopped, looked at me, and said, 'that doesn't sound wierd at all.'

aidan is eight and is the sweetest boy. he's easy to be around and i really adore him. the only funny thing i can think to say is that he starts many conversations w/ the following phrase, 'ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...!' this is his lead into a legos episode that he has scripted. it has rubbed off on maggie as well. which is hilarious- b/c the last thing maggie needs is more drama in her life (see below).

quote of the week:


maggie, my three year old OPINIONATED niece being verbally corrected by my sister in law for screaming in restaurant:

'mommy, i can't be quiet. it will hurt my body.'
(note: 'body' could be substituted for 'mind', or 'heart' as well)

classic. the funny thing? i totally understand.

this isn't communicating the way i'd like. alas- the limits of the internet. some of the funniest material looses its edge and context. oh well.

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