
i helped my mom do door stuffing for the levy last night. i am totally wiped out. we were supposed to hang over dinner with some good folk over dinner. i am honestly a bit relieved that it won't happen. not b/c i don't adore them- but i am spent.

i hosted another baby shower for a girlfriend from highschool which was nice. however, it was tricky without the fox at my disposal. but everything got done and i am supposed to pick up the pimped out fox today at 3pm. hopefully, i won't have any more maintenance for awhile.

i had a good job interview last week. but it kinda stressed me out b/c they talked about the salary- which i was not prepared to think about- let alone talk about. i'm pretty sure i would like the job. but the salary scares me.

i felt like a complete failure last night. but my sponsor gave me a pep talk. then i regained perspective. i can loose it in a matter of moments and it really can be the most important factor and rudder to my mood. it is ok that i am poor and temping at 30. it is ok that i am poor and temping at 30. it is ok... nix that. actually- my mantra should be that i am not defined by my income or vocation. she (my sponsor) helped me to remember that life doesn't just happen to me; but that i have choices (although half my battle is seeing them/ creating them). i am grateful for her.

tonight, i'm going to visit my friend who had nuerosurgery yesterday morning. i'm bringing her traveling mercies for her reading enjoyment during her recovery. anne lamott reminds me of my friend very much. plus, the book was a good read. i'm supposed to do her families laundry tomorrow at her house. i think i will skip kinshit.

charles is currently de-icing the 6 inches of ice on our stoop and walkway. gotta love that guy.

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