

last week we received two very welcomed and favorable answer to prayers prayed out of depseration and some amount of angst.

it is very great to report that we actually were able to pay all our bills (we have no money b/c we gave it all to the freagin INS- but that's another post) via unexpected money that we received in the mail. the prayer literally went, 'Lord, please send us money in the mail.' it was from target and i had over paid a bill.

it is also very great to report- that i got a new job! i am thrilled and relieved. many different aspects led me to look and i am very glad that i am moving into another work environment!

it is very great to feel like i'm in a different season of life. storms and deserts had become common place. i'm very grateful for the reprieve. "this to shall pass" is a slogan often used to get aa's through tight spots. not to be fatalistic- but i also realize that this (the easier seasons) too shall pass. the bad shit doesn't last forever, and neither does the good.

it is what it is. so today, i will enjoy where i'm at and not miss out.

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