
some of the many

things i am grateful for...

:: sobriety
:: that i'm irish
:: that sobriety doesn't make me less irish
:: salvation
:: feeling forgiven from sin
:: having a conscience
:: charles
:: that i can feel loved.
:: my mom
:: my dad
:: laurel
:: the change of seasons
:: my job
:: erica handschke
:: health insurance
:: that God doesn’t need us to have His Kingdom go forward.
:: chuck close
:: my friends
:: emerson
:: aidan
:: jack
:: nora
:: maggie
:: evelyn
:: our apartment
:: the fox
:: our church
:: our small group
:: the bible
:: that i like to read the bible right now.
:: that i feel like God hears me when i pray right now.
:: that God hears me even when i don’t feel like he does.
:: for our new bed
:: that the fee for the INS application is paid.
:: my brother
:: my sister
:: U2
:: 89.7
:: 90.5
:: for our attorney
:: for peace.
:: sleep
:: that i don't feel left out of life near as much as i used to.
:: laughter
:: that I can cry.
:: that i get to vote.
:: flowers
:: that i can be responsible and do things that i don't like to do (eg: be an "adult")
:: that i am not totally ruled by my emotions anymore.
:: books

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