
"should christians look to politicians to advance the Kingdom of God?"
taken from previous post

it doesn't work.

is there a role for government in caring the poor, addressing cycles of poverty, not letting outright discrimination to go unchecked?
yes (my example would be the new deal- anne would disagree).

are those items (listed in previous sentence part of advancing of the Kingdom of God)?

ultimatley, the believer should not bank on the government changing society or caring for the forgotten. the Church is the main modality for the Kingdom of God to be advanced.

the decline of evangelicalism's impact on america is directly proportionate with the lack of care extended to the poor. **

last installment/next post:

"i think every american christian should live in a developing country for some length of time. i think the anarchists in nyc should too."

**for more on this discussion see "a heart for the city" by john fuder. in particular, the chapter "a case for holistic urban ministry: the City, evangelicals, and the social gospel." which highlights glen kehrein work and expereince with circle urban ministries. [thanks to my brother matt for bringing this to mind].

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