
i got this photo from the economist b/c i'm linking to the article.
please don't sue me.

well my peeps
i have a couple of completely contextualist and random things to cover today.

for starters-
my brother's church plant has a new website and logo.
you can see it here. i'm really proud of him.

also, my niece had her adenoids taken out. so now i know where adenoids are... which for those of you unfamiliar like myself- they are in your nose. who knew?

i think this article and its title ("if only the adults would behave like the children") is fabulous.
i posted the photo above that was included in the article b/c i like it.

the michael bolton watch
(i actually mean john bolton- but i like to amuse myself)

the economist weighs in.

and for all you who are not stick to your guns rebuplicans-
you may like to read this article.
(by the way- i'm not going to link to the times as much-
although that is the news source i read most often
(b/c they become dumb links after a couple of day))
the article talks about colin powell's reservations on bolton's nomination.

today's chewable vitamin
"the matter is quite simple. the Bible is very easy to understand. but we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. we pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand we are obliged to act accordingly. take any words in the New Testament and forget everything except pledging yourself to act accordingly. "
~ soren kierkegaard

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