
here are a couple of things rolling around in the ole' noggin today.

there's black smoke at the vatican today.
this means no pope has been agreed upon.
i'm hoping that cardinal arinze will be the next pope.

i've found a minor ocd pattern of mine.
if anyone close to me (proximity wise) gets sick;
i immediately want to cut my nails off
b/c i'm convinced my nail beds hide germs.
and yes- i know there's medicine for that...

i slept three hours friday night.
i kept myself up fretting about what i convinced
myself to be a blood clot in my leg.
the dull pain has since subsided.
and yes- i know there's medicine for that too.

i found this link and i find interesting but it also makes me sad.

this is an article that i liked today. it's about forgiveness.

we met friends in the park sunday.
i came home smelling like spring's perfume.
grass and prespiration. i loved it!

i had my first negative expereince at the temple of chipoltle.
i had really fatty barbacoa and it made me want to barf.
it was all slimy and hard to chew and i couldn't spit it out.

if your wondering about our weekend-
it was wholy unproductive.
i never even tried to put my aspirations
for spring cleaning into place.

today's chewable vitamin

i heard a thousand blended notes
while in a grove I sate reclined,
in that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
bring sad thoughts to the mind.

to her fair works did nature link
the human soul that through me ran;
and much it grieved my heart to think
what Man has made of Man.

through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower,
the periwinkle trail'd its wreaths;
and 'tis my faith that every flower
enjoys the air it breathes.

the birds around me hopp'd and play'd,
their thoughts i cannot measure,—
but the least motion which they made
it seem'd a thrill of pleasure.

the budding twigs spread out their fan
to catch the breezy air;
and i must think, do all i can,
that there was pleasure there.

if this belief from heaven be sent,
if such be nature's holy plan,
have i not reason to lament

what Man has made of Man?
~ william wordsworth

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