
nora's in the mob

well today is 050505
and i thought i should write something b/c i like that date.

well- i've had kinda a weirdly religious day.
for starters-
i am reminded today of the saying that
the problem w/ christianity is christians.
we do buisness with people who are high profile christians.
these high profile christians treat my coworkers and supervisors like doo doo.
worse yet- after they are done treating them like doo doo-
they try and share the gospel with my coworkers and supervisor.
all and all- this seems to make my job as a christian-
a bit more difficult than it already is.
and frankly, i don't appreciate it.

but then again; it gives me ample opportunity to remind myself and my friends that this why Jesus had to die (b/c all fall short of the glory of God- even high profile christian jerks).

and then i remembered that i'm sure i've made someone elses' job as christian difficult w/ some of the noensense i've said and done (by commission or ommission).

and then i calmed down.

[paranthetical aside: i don't mean to minimize the effects of sin on our world- but it does my heart and mind good when i dwell in Jesus and not the sin. infact i am certain that dwelling on Him is the only thing that keeps me sane in this crazy world.]

then i met the mormons for lunch.
which is always weird for me. b/c the mormons that i know all seem to really believe that whole schtick. and it bothers me that they are so sincerely blind. i don't like it.

but i bumped into them at subway and i just felt like i couldn't not talk to them.
i mean- they're mormons and they're sincerely blind.

and by the way-
for those of you that use bebo-
i know that my brithday was registered for today.
but it's not my birthday.
but it's been fun to get cards, free coffee (thanks kirsten) and whatnot-
it was wholy unplanned. not a conspiracy.

today's chewable vitamin
“each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope... building a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." ~ robert f. kennedy

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