
employment hunt update

i thought i'd mention some jobs leads that i am excited about- especially considering that i have not been excited about many job opportunities i've come across...

in an ideal world of a family that needs two incomes; i am in search of a position that i can do from home. but like many of you, my spam box is full of how to add inches to my penis, cialias and work from home jobs that require $2K upfront for some dubious venture.

so, if any of you know of legitimate businesses that offer work from home opportunities- let me know. i created a website specifically for the work from home setting b/c it seems like a more difficult niche to find. here's the link.


nikkip said...

any way you could send me the link of that indianola job?

maureen said...

i added the hyperlink...

the state job descriptors go away after the posting date has passed... :(

jessica aebi said...

I think you should sell Mary Kay.