tantrums? a.d.d.? and attachment
i am unsure if i just witnessed a tantrum. maybe the fact that i'm asking that q question- answers the question. maybe when you see a tantrum- you just know. back arching, arms flailing and screaming. does this qualify? anyone with kids- please let me know the following:
- when was the first tantrum you remember?
- what were the markers?
- how old was your kid?
- what did you do?
secondly- i've been thinking lately that i might have attention deficient disorder. either that or i just need to get my shit together. i can't seem to hold a thought in my head. if something requires concentration- i'm thinking about what needs to happen next. then i forget what i was initially thinking of. at the most inopportune times- my to do list crowds out what needs my immediate attention. maybe this is new motherhood. or maybe i need ritalin. i hear it's kinda fun (i'm joking people lighten up).
finally- i would guess they covered this is christianity 101 and i missed that day; but i was reminded today that my role in the lives of those that don't know Jesus is to point them to Him. i like to point people to myself. for real. people need to attach to Jesus. not to me. my bullshit attempt to be cool enough that people who would otherwise not be interested in Jesus; would be interested in Jesus b/c i know times new viking or some other crap is- well... crap. i guess i was reminded today that all i can really give people in need around me is Jesus. and He's way better than the 'right' playlist or reading list or whatever.
that's it.
having worked in daycare and been a nanny and had a roomie that had a child some kids do start around age one some older....ideas on what to do in my opinion depends on what the tantrum is about...i am sure that you will get some good ideas from the moms that you hang out with.......
i often times need a list to remember things.
thanks for the reminder of what people need us to do when he or she does not know jesus
Becoming a mom made me feel a little bit ADD because there are so many new things to keep track of, worry about, prevent, take care of. It brings multitasking to a whole new level. But then after a while it settles down a bit.
As for tantrums, I can't remember when the first one happened, but probably around a year. Every kid is different, but with my boy, they are usually short-lived and physical. I let him pound on the floor or wail or whatever, but he knows that being violent toward someone else or damaging things lands him straight in timeout. And having a tantrum will not help him get what he wants. Every kid has tantrums, and I hear they are even a sign of healthy development. Go figure.
I was seriously thinking I have ADD a few weeks ago. I am not kidding. But then I forgot about it....
About the tantrums, my kids were totally different. I swear, Evelyn did not have a tantrum at all until she was older than 2. Gabe started much, much younger than that. If you are at home, I would just ignore it at this age. If it happens in public, it just depends. Nine times out of ten, (in my experience) it is just because they are tired.
I have tantrums about Times New Viking. It's true that you need to point people to Jesus. First. But second, you can point them to Times New Viking, even ahead of most canonized saints, and certain ahead of people such as Pat Robertson and Oral Roberts.
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