
today's mantra
process not product
process not product
process not product
process not product
process not product
process not product
process not product


what contributes to our phobia to 'failure'?
the hyperlink article describes some of my experience through schooling and the practice of art making; it has had a squelching effect on creativity in my life.

but there are other contexts that this applies to as well. my spiritual life for one. i seriously wonder if the Lord will tell us it's tragic that we missed the whole point down here.

why is it that success is defined like this? and when did that happen? (this is when i want to pick up some linguistic book or philosophy of linguistics)

i know that we need something to aim for... but it seems like spiritual life has bought into a bunch of bullshit- making it far from counter cultural.

sometimes i just get depressed by how not different things are for the Church and worse yet- my life in particular.

chewable vitamin
"my heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered from them." ~ bono

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