lists on me
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favorite books
(if asked right now)
on the road
portrait of an artist as a young man
calvary road
most influential books
(if asked right now)
money sex and power
divine conspiracy
man's search for meaning
two lies and a truth
~ spent an hour in conversation with this man
~ my uncle was a body gaurd for this man
~ my great uncle died in this historic irish melay
when faced w/ daunting tasks...
i sing this movie theme song myself.
favorite movies:
(if you asked me right now)
reality bites
you've got mail
moulin rouge
places i've lived...
where i grew up
new york city
ocean city
my favorite radio
day: saturday
program: this american life
station: wcbe
personality whom i will name my first child after: the legend
things i care about:
odds and ends:
:: i used to be an avid WHO fan and loved the doors as well...
:: but i've always loved these guys. they're still my favorite band.
:: my must see tv
:: if into t.v. it is difficult for me to talk and focus on anything going on around me.
:: i believe comic sans should be band from the font directory.
:: i listen to rush sometimes until i want to vomit;
:: then i forget the he annoys me,
:: and listen to him again... it's a vicious cycle.
:: my first car