
i suppose
the last week or more could be described as a bit difficult and stressful- but all in all there is so much for me to be grateful and grounded in...

here are some of them:

today's gratitude list

flip flops.
the perennials in my yard that are getting ready to bloom.
my family- especially my husband.
for the health of my family.
that if we’re sick we can goto the doctor.
that i’m free from the burden of judgment
(both the to delve the judgment out and to receive it)
for spell checker
oil paint that is mixed well but still bleeds and swirls.
my work environment.
our affordable apartment.
hope and vision
our church.
that i can pray whenever i what.
that all the black people in america don’t just get up and leave.
that i can connect w/ the Lord.
my sobriety.
that my dreams have so drastically changed from when I was 18.
mercy and grace.
the smell of rain in the air- minus any remnant of wet dog
(I don’t like that smell).
that my parents didn’t give up on me when i was in my fullblown asshole stage.
that the Lord can change me.
judy niemie.
that i can read.
that i am getting better at saying i was wrong more quickly.
how i live in a country where they plant flowers along the side of the highway.
that we have highways.
the process of kneading clay.
that my life is really pretty good in the grand scheme of things.
learning to laugh at myself.
my emotions are not necessarily an indicator of reality.
i’m getting better at not saying everything that comes to my mind.
really good bass lines
it's friday!

today's chewable vitamin
little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
~ washington irving

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