get your prayer on...
being married to charles has brought to my attention that i don't know how to pray.
friday we had a small group of people over to pray for the elections in nigeria (see links below for coverage of the elections). this realization of mine (that i don't know how to pray) was stirred in me at a deeper level friday.
charles led the time and would transition everyone through the prayer points. everyone prayed at the same time outLOUD- which was a little over stimulating for my orderly american self. but man! it was great! there was a lot of holy ghostness too. which can make me feel a bit uncomfortable (and i blush a bit admitting that...) but alas- i was reminded again that my comfort level does not seem to be a good barameter of what God has for me or his values for the Kingdom.
here are some photos of our time...
economist's coverage
financial times coverage
bbc coverage
check out our website