
more booby trap adventures...

i was reminded of more booby trap stories (not only b/c the season evokes my memories of trying to prove/ disprove the existence of santa) by a story i read in sunday's dispatch (which i can't seem to hyper link).

tarpy's woods is where bluff avenue (the street i grew up on) and cambridge (south of first community) deadends into a cauldasack (sp?). there is a beautiful old home there that used to belong to the tarpy family (who owned a small supermarket close to jones middleschool).

the woods provided hours of entertainment for me and my friends when we were in grade school. i was a tom-boy through and through and we used to take our souped up dirt bikes (ok it was more like a hami-down banana seat bike that my dad help me to convert) and have our version of crash up derby and bmx freestyle tournaments.

the woods and trails were close to the railroad tracks. the location, for some reason, convinced us that ho-bos were invading our bike paths. convinced that our trails and our well-being were endangered- we made all these booby traps in the woods.

trip wire? yes- we had those (they weren't limited to santa). we also did that bugs bunny trick to catch a tiger or lion (dig whole, cover with leaves and branches- hoping that they would fall into the hole)- unable to get out.

we never did catch any ho-bos. but the whole saga sparked my interest in ho-bos and i made myself a stick and a little bundle wrapped in a bandana to put on my shoulder. it was fun.

books i'd like to read this coming year (in no particular order):

motherless brooklyn
wounded healer (got this for christmas)
bonfire of the vanities
sidewalks in the kingdom: new urbanism and the christian faith (also a gift)
god, freedom and evil
suburban nation: the rise of sprawl and the decline of the american dream
the illumined heart: the ancient christian path of transformation
before the mayflower (a book i've had for over five years and yet to read).
the cornell west reader
bo bos in paradise (given this as a gift- but still have not read)
us and them
banishing god in albania: the prison memoirs of giacomo gardin, s.j.


reasons why i want to be part of a church plant

i want to live and raise my family in an urban context.
i think the best way to do this is to be part of a network of churches that contextualize the Gospel into the language of their neighborhood. These churches can help one another do things in their communities w/o a sense of competition but instead a sincere desire to see their (the individual church's gifts and 'specialties' be of service and advancement of the Kingdom). John Perkins is a spiritual hero of mine and i love his writings on living out the Gospel in different neighborhoods has intrigued me for nearly ten years. he has influenced much of my thinking about church planting. in addition, while living in manhattan- i really appreciated tim keller at redeemer presbyterian and saw first hand how powerful it can be to have a church who is for the city rather than against it.

i think the emphasis on church should be flip flopped from the focal point being a small group where the Gospel is lived out daily and non-believers can be invited and loved and Sunday service less of an emphasis.

i guess i should also say that I want to be part of a church plant b/c i think i have the disposition for it (I like to think that i'm resilient, i generally can't get enough of people, i like having spiritual conversation with those of different beliefs etc.) i also think that God has given me gifts that are useful in church planting. (like of faith and evangelism)

the bottom line?
as much as I try to avoid the term that I "feel called"; to it (b/c it seems to hype it up and pump situations w/ spiritual steroids); I do; what does that mean? my understanding of this is that; based on my personality, gifts, convictions that have been formed in me and previous experiences; from the best I can tell- this is something that God would like me to try.

what if?

this struck me as funny. i wonder if one of al qaida's main objectives is to make our country look silly.

in other news...

one of my best friend's son is scheduled for an MRI this AM. tristan is five months old. if you read this and you pray; join me in asking that God would keep this little guy calm as well as his parents...

+++ God, please be with kyla, michael and tristan today walk through this stressful time. allow this diagnostic tool to give clarity and hope to tristan's condition. empower this situation to your glory; empower this family and those around them to know your love and healing...+++

the procedure is at 12:30 central. they must sedate him for the procedure and afterwards tristan gets to eat.


cliff notes to my christmas

well, where shall i start? it was a really enjoyable christmas. as mentioned it was an in-law christmas for my siblings- so we celebrated as a family christmas eve- eve. we have italian christmas' which is funny- b/c we are notoriously into our irish heritage.

we did have our share of family tension- but i was just grateful none of it really involved me. i was a spectator.

my amazon gifts arrived on time- which i was happy about. my mom and sister seemed to especially like their gifts.

charles gave me a beautiful nigerian gown and i love it. i also go this book.

i got other cool stuff too.

christmas eve, we (my mom and charles and i) went to bethlehem on broad street. that was fun; although we didn't get to interact with any of the beneficiaries. this nice man flirted with my mom and it was weird. we ate a nice dinner of left overs and went to the late christmas eve service at church. we should of gone earlier- we were all exhausted.

christmas morning we slept late; opened some more gifts and eventually had a late lunch with a friend of our family who was away from her own. charles and i went to see the return of the king.

the remainder of the weekend was spent hanging out, resting, dinner with friends, and accomplishing lots of important details and errands. all in all uneventful but good.

semi-entertaining finds while bored at work:

a place i used to volunteer (while living in nyc)



five days off
well- i officially don't have to goto work for five whole days.

best yet- i have two sweet little boys downstairs sleeping under the tree. and to imagine- my holiday has just begun!


bobby traps

i found out there was no santa claus b/c my dad finally stopped humoring me. for a number of years, i set up booby traps around the fireplace and tree (trip wires). he would cut the trip wires. each christmas morning; i would run downstairs and to my delight; find the trip wires broken. this would build the case that there was, infact, a santa claus. he stopped doing it one year- and i that's how i found out there was no santa claus.



this evening i spent with my family eating dinner, watching my nephews wrestle and listening to more of maggie's songs.

afterwards, charles and i got to spend some time alone and see christmas lights. this man chases any cynicism out of me and helps me see the world through different eyes. we also went to walmart where i got nora her gift- a winnie the poo bank of honey. nora's mom will like it more than she will- but oh well- what do you get a four month old with three older kids that produce hamidowns?

i am very sleepy.

good night moon.


well- i'm not sure what to do... my amazon order is delayed and i'm unsure if i'm going to have my gifts for aidan, maggie, laurel and nora. the good news is- the one most into gifts and cognizant of who is giving him what is aidan. this is good news b/c i have promised to build a fire, make a tent, eat ice cream and have a good ole' fashion sleep over and i suppose that could pass as my gift. but i got him this sweet book making kit that i think he will love. so i'm a bit bummed.

nora, maggie, matt and andrea came for lunch today at the office. maggie, who just turned two sang at the top of her lungs for the majority of the time. she sings songs including, 'i love for the father', 'take me out to the ball game', 'twinkle twinkle little star' and a variety of others. today's selection what 'i love the father'. she was in that great haze state where you've fallen alseep in the car and wake up super happy and smiley. she is wonderfully spunky.

my brother in law is teaching charles about all this stuff around the house. should be an interesting/ exciting debrief w/ charles this evening.


my morning started with a very enjoyable (but early) coffee date with my friend carrie. it is no understatement to say that i owe carrie my life! she is a wonderful friend and has shown me that the christian life is a journey of transformation- rather than a task to travel point to point. she is a giant in my mind- not b/c she has the point to point resume of one- but simply b/c she loved me when i couldn't love myself and felt that no else could either. i don't know if my language makes sense of if i need to translate it. she has helped me appreciate the process and encouraged me to stay soft to it.

Rom.13.8 (nlt): Pay all your debts, except the debt of love for others. You can never finish paying that! If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of God's law.



i had a great weekend. charles is here to stay. what else do i need to say?

the kids are all a blast and individually hilarious- put them together and well- i wet myself.

anticipate blogging more this week b/c i have to work and there's absolutely nothing to do and no one to ask if they'd like my expertise with copiers and coffee. i hope to accomplish lots of odds and ends.


can i just say?

when a man loves a woman is a very very good movie?

ok- alert! content blog below...

If these are my motivations; I should postpone being part of a church plant…
By me

Discontentedness** with my current church. This is not a good reason for me. It does not mean that it’s not a good reason for you- so don’t take it personally.

Unfortunately I am stricken with a condition called, ‘the grass is greener on the other side’ syndrome. The unfortunate part is that it (the lie that I believe) seldom is better.

I am don’t seem to be able to combat this syndrome. I don’t think my goal in life or church should be to like everything that I’m apart of 100%. I think that in my idealism I want to agree 100% w/ the methodology, the flavor, the doctrine, the people and everything. That’s just not realistic. When I realize this, and I choose to be filled with the Holy Spirit; God produces and blesses me maturing into a real grown up and not a brat. Otherwise, I become highly unpleasant and grind my teeth a lot.

This attitude unchecked can also lead me into not so pretty elitism and arrogance (we know how to do real church; they don’t).

** Lots of good things (the reformation for one) came from a discontentedness (I don’t mean to be historically insensitive to the impetus of the reformation- but hopefully you get what I’m saying).

As for your question mentioned in comments per 12/17 DF about if church planting is valid- I guess I haven’t thought about it from that angle in a very long time…

So- my simple overview just includes two points of what I’m sure could be many many more… I won’t go into anything based on the bible- b/c

a) the stuff I know off the top of my head is probably the same stuff you know off the top of your head; and
b) I don’t know that I feel the need to really superduper defend church planting as valid b/c the proof is in what we see as a result of it (church planting).

So pragmatically:

1. If my job as a follower of Jesus is to show Him to others around me in a wholistic and integrated way; then it makes sense to create a forum where you can express and walk out your faith with others (seekers and sojourners) in your very own neighborhood. Then your faith can rub off on others in their own language. Short answer: contextualization.

2. B/c not everyone likes the same thing. Variety is good. At least I think it is. I’m not positive about this being a steadfast polemic for church planting- but for fickle Americans- it seems to be necessary.



my evening

i went to my first ever hannakah candle lighting. it was great. i learned some different songs and some hebrew too. i had the best latkas since velselka (favorite haunt during my time there- people watching heaven).

i also played monopoly and got killed! now i remember why i dislike board games.

it was a blast and i appreciated the invite! thanks cydney!

friday five

1. List your five favorite beverages.**

~ diet coke
~ coffee
~ tea w/ my mommy
~ water
~ egg nog

** these are beverages i can drink and the SWAT team not come.

2. List your five favorite websites.**

~ new find courtesy of dan fox
~ new york times
~ global trekker
~ irish jesuits
~ columbus public library's site

ok... this question is very difficult to answer b/c i have a fluxuation of sites i frequent. but these are my answers today.

** aside from my link list...

3. List your five favorite snack foods.

~ nuts
~ garlic pita chips
~ those popsicles that come in plastic wrappers that are long and skinny
~ baby carrots and hummus
~ ice cream: currently pepermint stick

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.

~ umm
~ i
~ don't
~ like
~ games...

it's a little known fact about me.

i can tolerate euchre, i like chess, and if in the mood- could play risk.

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games.

the only one that comes to mind
~ james bond
~ i like the games on zefranks site
~ i like playing lego games w/ my nephew aidan.
~ i really
~ don't have anymore



doogie howser's medium...

hi chelsea- this is my blog. it is unfocused and scattered. i don't really know its purpose. maybe i can stop by tomorrow?

it's christmas time in the city

well today was a nice day.

at work we had our holiday potluck- which was a lot of fun. i also got gifts from the girls that hate me and talk behind my back at work. it's kinda baffling... but i'm never one to refuse the new harry conick christmas album (!!!!!!). so not only was i surprised that i got a gift; but i was pleasantly surprised that it was such a nice gift. not sure if i should get them something or not... outside my family i only got my closest friends gifts. thinking thinking... maybe a regift?

anyways... the one that has the lump in her breast asked me to pray again for her. the lump has shrunk but has not gone away. i'm supposed to pray for her tomorrow.

tonight, i got together w/ a girl that lost her dad in late august. she is in that haze between the world that included her dad and the reality of the world without him. she sounds like she is processing stuff with the Lord and it was nice to be aware of how little i have to say about shitty situations like ours. i just listened.

i also hooked up w/ posse abei. always a delight. i love them.

still chewing on the feelings of prejudice towards charles...

in two days- my life will be over run by the nashvillesullys. i welcome this!
in three days- charles will be here. i can't wait!

more soon.


coming soon...

why i think a church plant is a good idea for me

nipped in bud

frustration was headed off at the pass by a phone call i just recieved.

sometimes i wonder if people i love suffer from a low-grade suspicion that is tied to the color of charles' skin. i end up taking it terribly personally when in reality- i can't read people's minds, intentions or true heart. it is not my job.

but as i said- a phone call just solved the problem i was facing.

maybe i am too paranoid. that could very well be the case.


updates and whatnot

well i had a pretty uneventful day.

i went shopping for my sister-in-laws christmas gift. they got to see harry conick in concert a couple of weeks ago- but didn't pick up the cd. so i got that for her.

saturday i knocked out quiet a bit of shopping. i went to the ccad student art show. i got some stuff i'm pretty excited to give!

well- as of today charles is due to arrive back in the states friday (!!!!!) i am- needless to say- estatic. i am trying to collect some input on how i can be the best me in this relationship this week from frineds and family. i continue to remain prayerful, expectant and grateful that the Lord wants a healthy dynamic between us more than either of us do- or even us combined.

this evening, while out, i ran into a long lost friend- jeff. he was actually my first gay friend. it happened during the summer of 1992. we both worked for this lady in program. i (and that owner) were the only straight people on the cleaning crew- and we were also the women.

i had become a christian and gotten sober all with the last year and i had my supply of baggage and bigatory. but i knew that it didn't sync with Jesus and i had to figure out how to cut it loose. the way the Lord did this for me was to become friends with Jeff. i realized that we were more alike than we were different. at that point of my life i was acutely aware that what i needed most was to be loved- and to expereince God's love; and Jeff needed the same thing. these realizations quickly broke me of my prejudice.

it was an expereince that i'll bever forget! seeing Jeff tonight reminded me of the journey that the Lord began in me and is committed to continue. it reminded me of the basics and the freshness of that place where the simplicity of this walk and journey serve to focus and sustain.

s.a.t. word

op·u·lent ( P ) Pronunciation Key (py-lnt)
Possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent.
Characterized by rich abundance; luxuriant.

[Latin opulentus. See op- in Indo-European Roots.]
opu·lent·ly adv.



has anyone noticed this is the media's new SAT word of the day?

everything is opulant when it comes to saddam.


i don't think this works

"we got him!"




i spent some good time alone w/ isaiah 30.16.

i also wrote quiet a bit and continue to sort our my manifesto. my relationship w/ God; myself; my husband; my children; my family; (these things to be(God willing))and society. productive but slow.

went over to chill w/ chris and chels. love them. lay down in traffic for them.

i also went to a meeting where i saw crazy rollie. good guy. but he be a crazy mofo.

im-ed w/ dan fox. nice fellow. hello if you're there.




there is a huge effin spider lurking under my desk. it looks like one of those fake spiders you buy at yankee trader at holloween.

friday five**

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?

YES! i would love to have a white christmas! but if it is not going to snow- i prefer being on the beach. how' that for black and white thinking. i would especially like to avoid rain for the holidays. the only time rain is enjoyable is when i want (and am able) to take a nap; or if i'm able to watch a storm.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?

this year- these are the things that i 'wish' for...

charles would be here. have my whole family together (w/ my dad as well). my dad would get to meet charles. no one would fight. go down to faith mission. remember how blessed i am- be overcome w/ gratitude; have a big party where all my friends come over and meet all my nieces and nephews. have a fire, drink egg nog, have it snow at least 6 inches, laugh a lot. and have enough $ to get people gifts that i know they would really enjoy- and not be financially strained to do it.

realistically; this year it would be great if; charles could be here. his sister and chuks could come for christmas so that they didn't have to be alone for the holiday; we could all goto faith mission together; it would snow 6 inches; no one gets sick from the little kids who always seem to be sick and are chronic carriers; we have a fire, drink egg nog, it snows a good bit, the fighting subsides b/c we realize how ridiculous we are around one another.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?

serving christmas eve dinner at faith mission or doing bethlahem on broad st.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?

see #3

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?

i don't really get this... is this what i'm 'asking' for? or what i would buy for myself?

well here's my wish list.

** questions taken from... http://fridayfive.org/



dear reader,

if chelsea sent you through cyberblog world to find this- please turn back now. you should know that i absolutley adore her. but i must admit; my love and deep affection for her is currently competing w/ the enjoyment of watching her try to find this blog. it is low grade harmless tourture

**ring hands**
** mynical smile**


my room is super duper cold.

i should be in bed reading- but now i have a nifty roadrunner connection in my bedroom. so i'm up doing this instead. no offense to you; but reading is better and probably warmer.

i got two new books today at acorn. one is on josephus. i know his writings have influenced lots of biblical scholarship- so i thought it would be a nifty addition.

the other book was for bookclub. i'm intimadated by jane austen. i know- i know- it's all in my head... but it really may not be. i read the first chapter (three pages in length) twice and i still have only a foggy idea of what is happening.

should be interesting...

tomorrow i'm taking my sabatical, going to a meeting a praying for my friend who is in the dumps.


responsible capitalism

yesterday's story on alex chadwick's day to day ("the marketplace report: activist shareholders") reminded me that responsible capitalism is possible and starts with individuals.



i've been battling a cold for the better part of a week. now i'm on an antibiotic and i feel better just knowing that i have been through the worst of it and things will look up soon.

can i just say that the world of temporary work is disheartening? it is full of catch 22 situations with no real good solution. i have no paid time off- so that means i can either take time off and not have money or risk burn out (i've been temping for a year) doing a job that is mindless job that is somewhat degrading. it is also unnerving. i have had three long term assignments over the last year. i've held out hope at each of these assignments thinking that i was on the path to be hired. now- mind you; i didn't really like these jobs; but w/ the economy in the crapper- it felt like the only option. so this expectation- to be hired; to put in my time, doing menial tasks, not complaining (honest i haven't), smiling, and kissing up- has stunted an job search for a path that i might actually like. it really bums me out.

not to mention (and if you're wondering how i got on this rant) the lack of health insurance. so when i feel sick, i postpone a visit to the doctor, b/c it's not covered, i get more sick, i miss work- which means i don't get paid- and have to goto the doctor anyways. urrrrrrrrrghhhhhh. and my employer may likely complain that i missed work.

that last part really burns me. here i come to work and do what is asked of me, i'm low maintanance, and am treated like a normal employee- which it is very clear to me that i am not. normal employees have benefits. normal employees have paid time off.

but then i try and remember all the great people that i've met, and all the things that God has taught me, and how i have thankfully (and many times supernaturally) had enough $ to pay my bills.

currently, i am learning what it means to love my enemies. frankly, i don't like what i'm learning at all. but i guess it's what God has for me and what i need. i got to pray for someone who is in this category ("enemy") who found a lump in her breast. i don't know that it made a lot of difference (she still has the lump, is still stressed about it, she still thinks i'm crazy and dislikes me and our relationship is no better). but i'm not sure if the 'difference' was supposed meet those criteria. maybe something in me is changing.

i sure hope i'm changing. sometimes i just want to keel over b/c of how far i have to go- sometimes i feel downright wicked. this is good for me. for the better part of my life- i thought i was supposed to be this unfeeling, no negative emotion deity. that the universe revolved around me and the object of life was not to get hurt or feel anything- especially anything negative. it's one of the main reasons i drank. i had no clue how to deal with emotions. i have felt helpless lately to my feelings of cynicism, jealousy, worry, control, and have felt grateful for the reminder that these things are a sign that i am alive and not dead. and now, even though i've been sober for over 12 yrs.; i still feel overwhelmed by feelings. but now, i can do something about it (who can deliver me from this body of death? rom. 7:something). i can repent, and surrender and look for ways to change my thinking.

apparently i had a lot to say today. i had no idea. i knew i wanted to get something down and just started pecking away at the keyboard. who knew?



i didn't get an update down on my the remainder of my week- but no worries. it was uneventful and short.

today, i am feeling under the weather. but i'm here at work toughing it out! hurray for me!!!!!!

tonight is our bookclub- which i'm looking forward to- although- i wonder if my affections will be divided and tempted to sleep instead. either way- i'm in; as i'm the host.

we got the tree up last night. most of the house is decorated. the tree stand leaks- so rather than risk breaking the ornaments- we strung the lights and garland and will leave the rest for after we get our new tree stand.

the highlight of my week was talking briefly w/ charles yesterday. even though it was short and low on content (our connection was terrible); it was such a comfort to hear his voice.

i am feeling like a need a vacation from myself lately. i discouraged by how 'under construction' i am...



sooooo... my week has been a bit of a blur. i'll start with the holiday.

i successfully drove the fox (my beloved car) to nashvill wednesday after work. i actually made it there in just over 6 hours. i was exhausted by the time i arrived but was able to stay up and watch a taped episode of survivor with my brother and andrea. i should say that i was appalled by that joker who lied about his grandmother's passing. that is unbelievable! and it seemed to serve no purpose to his end goal of winning- i don't follow the show so i was surprised to be so pissed about this door knob of a contestant.

nora was awake when i arrived and let me tell you- that kid is cute! she had just finished nursing when i arrived so she was ll done being all nestled and her ear was folded in on itself. all i could do was think to myself, 'oh my gosh- they haven't told me that nora has a birth defect!'

i was happy to find that my little niece simply has a stupid human trick- which is that her floppy ear is foldable.

i slept in the boys room and so awoke when they did. they are such a blast. i really adore that whole family. it is neat to see them each grow up and develop their individual disposition and personality. it is also really inspiring to see my brother and sister-in-law parent through some tough spots. they are reaping the benefits as their kids become caring, thoughtful, ornery, and adventuresome.

i picked charles up from the airport thanksgiving day and we spent the day doing what most americans did- time with the family, lots of food prep, talking about the things we're thankful for... it was really a great day. it was especially great b/c charles was there.

he really took to the kids. and i think they took to him. his accent intrigued the boys in particular and the girls- well- obviously they were putty in his hands. maggie and him bonded friday at the COSI equivalent. if nora was awake and not nursing- more than likely- she was with charles.

i really love him. he is so wonderful to be with and all of his characteristics- i want them to rub off on me. i am glad for the chance to be in the same city soon. i know if will be the confirmation i need- but honestly... i can't imagine ever getting my fill of this fine man. the Lord really broke the mold when it came to charles.

friday, we went to the COSI equivalent, the park, starbucks and to meet charles' buddy chuks. that was great. it was great to meet someone from charles life- someone with whom he has history- to know that this isn't a veneer- that he really is that great and geniune... chuks made us nigerian food which we made arrangements to partake the next day. chuks came over for dinner that night and we had great conversation with matt and andrea.

prior to our time with chuks; we sat down and talked about our future. that was deeply comforting and i really feel at peace with how God is leading and the pace we are pursuing. there are so many unknowns- and i trust that God will show his glory through the obstacles we face.

i am tired of writting- although there is more to tell. i will stop now and perhaps come back later tonight. if not; definately tomorrow.

we are decking the halls with boughs tomorrow here at 1337...

adios loyal readership...

bad mood

i promise to collect myself and put together a post this weekend. pms ruins me.